Pedal Pro allows our USB foot controls to be used to send custom hotkeys to applications in Windows. For example, to pause or enable Dragon speech recognition software with a simple tap of the foot.A 3-pedal and 4-pedal foot control are available for Pedal Pro. Each pedal can be assigned a character or set of characters that will be sent to the computer upon either pressing or releasing that pedal. These configured hotkeys can be used with any Windows application that has focus. It is especially useful for applications that always have focus, such as Dragon speech recognition. This allows routine functions like turning the microphone on and off or applying a correction to easily be done without having to remember complicated key commands or taking your hands away from the current task.
– Very simple layout and button configuration
-Perfect solution for hands-free operation of many Dragon NaturallySpeaking commands
-Create up to eight custom hotkeys
-Hotkeys can be sent upon pressing or releasing the pedal
-Hotkeys can include special combination characters such as SHIFT 4 or CRTL SHIFT M
-Works with our 3 and 4-pedal USB foot controls
-Runs minimized to your taskbar
-Can be set to start automatically when logging into Windows
-Works on Windows 8
Typical Applications
– Press to talk
– Record Latch
– Mute/Unmute
-And many more easily programmable options
System Requirements
OS Supported
Microsoft Windows XP SP3
Microsoft Windows Vista SP1
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows 8
Hard Disk Space: 10 MB
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels
Additional Requirements: 1 USB port, internet access (to activate product key)