We can provide Smart Phone App, PC based and telephone call in dictation on all of our Cloud Solutions.
Voice Capture
Eliminate telephone cost using local and toll free numbers on our voice capture platform. Dictations are then imported to your exist dictation transcription product. Authors and typist will experience no change. Extremely low configuration / Implementation cost.
For more information CLICK HERE
Cloud Based Dictation Transcription system
All the features of Phoenix enterprise dictation server without the cost of a server. Your Author’s dictation can be captured in multiple ways, segmented by location, department or client. PC based transcription software ( iNet3 ). Full System and document management available from your desktop. Speech Recognition ready.
For more information CLICK HERE
Document processing a complete solution
From voice capture to document delivery we have your solution. Author’s dictation can be captured in multiple ways, segmented by location, department or client. Documents created using multiple transcription services and completed document delivered directly to your information systems.
For more information CLICK HERE