SymposiumPro Recorder is a multichannel audio recorder that can be used for court, conference, depositions, or many other uses. SymposiumPro is designed to be used with the JAVS Nimble or P306 USB 6 channel audio capture devices but has been successfully used to capture and play audio using a DSP connected to a USB port on the PC that SymposiumPro is installed on. SymposiumPro Recorder creates a multichannel wav file that can be played back with the SymposiumPro Recorder, SymposiumPro Player, and many other audio file players.
For available Mixers and Mics click the links below
JAVS Nimble USB 6 channel mixer , JAVS Nimble Mic.
JAVS P306 USB 6 channel mixer , JAVS Flex Mic.
*Records 1-6 channels into multichannel wav file when using the JAVS Nimble or P306 audio
*Set bookmark from predefined list which allows quick playback of specific position in the
*Set extended bookmark (longer meaningful description) on-the-fly.
*Edit bookmark after creating.
*Settable Global Hot Keys for predefined and extended bookmarks.
*Settable Hot Keys for Setup New Recording, Close Recording, Start Recording, Pause
Recording and Quick Close and Setup New Recording.
*Set a bookmark by clicking the channel name.
*Optional PDF file creation of recording session bookmarks.
*Individual record volume indicators.
*Individual muting of microphones when using the JAVS Nimble or P306 microphones.
*Monitor recorded audio while recording is ongoing.
*Built in multichannel player that can use several different USB foot pedals for control.
*Naming of channels (Judge, Defense, Prosecution, etc) which also gets displayed on the
built-in Player or the separate SymposiumPro Player.
*Muting of individual channels during record playback (read back) or transcription playback.
*Four different recording sample rates.
*Selectable folder for automatic backup of recording after recording is closed.
*AM/PM or 24 hour time format for bookmarks.
*Optional automatic bookmarks of recording open, start, stop, and close.
*Exporting of recording to selectable folder with same or different (lower) sample rate.
*Exporting of a section of a recording with same sample rate.
*File naming of recordings with preset selectable descriptions of the recording.
*Resizing up to 130% of main form.
*Retains last form size and screen position when closed.
*Auto record option when using Quick Close and Setup New Recording Hot Key.